So, this time, when I say I’m relaunching the site, I’ve taken the first steps into actually doing so.
All my old stuff has been depublished. It truly is a new start. Over the next few months, I’m going to go through everything and decide if I can bring it back as it was, if it needs to be reworked into a new form, or if I’m going to take it down and let it be lost to history.
The relaunch will begin in earnest on Monday. Here are some features I hope to write:
- I already have 300+ posts written about The Legend of Zelda, and intend to bring them over here because I hate Blogger’s interface. And I have yet to write anything about Skyward Sword HD, and I haven’t even started playing Tears of the Kingdom. These will be brought over on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, providing a steady, minimal content beat the first two years.
- Over the last couple years, I’ve started playing through other Nintendo franchises, like the greater Mario universe, Metroid, Kirby, and Pokémon. I have thoughts!
- When I last left off with Star Wars: The Old Republic, I was optimistic about the future of Knights of the Fallen Empire. See how that turned out! How has my enthuasiam for the game progressed over the years since?
- It wouldn’t be a preview of the site’s future without me threatening to do a City of Heroes retrospective, even as my earliest memories of the game slip from my mind!
- The muss-free impending handover of Wheel of Fortune from Pat Sajak to Ryan Seacrest makes nowish the last opportunity to look back at Jeopardy!‘s transition after Alex Trebek’s death and how big a mess that was.
- I’ve started reading Marvel comics. From the beginning(ish). That could be a regular feature.
- I have loose plans for a great MCU rewatch starting Soon™. Details and potential comments to follow.
So, yeah. Big plans, and chances are I get bogged down in the enormity of it and simply repost my Zelda stuff until it runs out and the site languishes for another five years. Or maybe this time it all clicks and I’m still going strong ten years from now. We’ll see.